❀ Let's Grow ❀

✿ A Poetry: One Day ✿

Hello! I hope you all doing fine in quarantine (*´꒳`*)

Creating poetry is one of the fun activities to do in quarantine. It helps to improve your cognitive function, expresses your feelings, and heals emotional tolls you might have in quarantine. You should try to make one! 

This time, I would love to share the poetry that I made not a long ago. Though, it was a mandatory activity for Student Council in my major. I was having fun playing with each word. The theme prepared by the committees is Unity in Distancing. I also tried to make the poetry by collaborating with what I felt during quarantine and the theme. It is my first English poetry I made, please be kind. I wish for your constructive criticisms too. I hope you enjoy it! Stay safe everyone ◝(●˙꒳˙●)◜

Enjoy the music while reading the poetry ❤
With love❤
Have an awesome day!

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