❀ Let's Grow ❀

✿ A Poetry: One Day ✿

Hello! I hope you all doing fine in quarantine (*´꒳`*)

Creating poetry is one of the fun activities to do in quarantine. It helps to improve your cognitive function, expresses your feelings, and heals emotional tolls you might have in quarantine. You should try to make one! 

This time, I would love to share the poetry that I made not a long ago. Though, it was a mandatory activity for Student Council in my major. I was having fun playing with each word. The theme prepared by the committees is Unity in Distancing. I also tried to make the poetry by collaborating with what I felt during quarantine and the theme. It is my first English poetry I made, please be kind. I wish for your constructive criticisms too. I hope you enjoy it! Stay safe everyone ◝(●˙꒳˙●)◜

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❀ Let's Learn ❀

✿ Research in Christian Education ✿

Hello!~ / (ㅇㅅㅇ❀)

I have been doing some researches lately (and still going to soon), they were my assignments for courses in college. I have been writing up six pieces of research for now. Most of them were qualitative researchers. But sometimes I found it difficult to put the right basis, aim, and motivation in accordance with Christian education. Then my lecturer gave me one article and it did help me a lot. Thus, this time I would like to share my summary of the article. I hope it will help you too in finding the ‘true’ basis, aim, and motivation too for your future researches later.

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❀ Let's Learn ❀

✿ Term Mind Map ✿

How are you? I wish you everything is going to be okay •́‿•̀

Do you know how important it is to learn new vocabulary? Unfortunately, sometimes our activity and experience are limited by the language that we know only. It demands more effort to know other cultures just because they might have a different language than us. Do not worry I can help you to anticipate that!

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) was a German writer.
One of his famous works is a play titled Faust (1808).
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❀ Let's Fun ❀

✿ 15 Historical Manhwa You Should Read! ✿

Recently, I have been reading a lot of manhwas with strong-independent-creative-brave female lead protagonists (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧

Most are Historical/Isekai theme manhwas. I do not know why? I just found these genre manhwas are so enchanting!♡ I love how clean these manhwas look, the lines and solidity of the artistic themes are mesmerizing. I also enjoy the clothes design either for female or male characters (I truly in love with Medieval or Victorian dresses), background details and definitely the strong female lead protagonist.

These female-leads inspired me to break the boundaries that society thinks women cannot capable of. These girls are inspiring in their way in a lady-like manner (beautiful badass! ٩(◦`꒳´◦)۶). Moreover, most of the male leads are very supportive of their girls without neglecting their role as men too. Besides, they are also super handsome ♡ฅ(ᐤˊ꒳ฅˋᐤ♪). I like most of these men who are not in love because of their appearance, but also how bold and brave their partner is. Without further ado, here are my personal recommendations of Strong Female Lead Manhwas! Enjoy!

Oh! If you have not found your favorite, you can add it to the comment! Share yours too! Happy reading ❤

Source: Pixiv ID: 857382
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❀ Go to School ❀

✿ Jesus’ Birth ✿

Warm Up! 🔥

Please watch this video to recollect the idea of the birth of Jesus and increase students’ engagement.
ScriptureLuke 2:1-20
Bible Truth⚫ Jesus, God’s Son, was born.
⚫ Angels announced the Good News.
⚫ Shepherds saw Jesus and told others.
Lesson AimTo thank God for sending his Son, Jesus.
Memory WorkGlory to God in the highest (Luke 2:14a).

First Catechism

  1. Who made you? God.
  2. What else did God make? God made all things.
  3. Why did God make you and all things? For his own glory.
  4. How can you glorify God? By loving him and doing what he commands.
  5. Why are you to glorify God? Because he made me and takes care of me.
  6. Is there more than one true God? No. there is only one true God.
❀ Let's Discover ❀

✿ Pusheen Pencil Valentine Tag ✿

Spread Love!❤

Hello! I have been trying to spread much love by creating more this year. One of them is this Valentine Pencil Tag.

I love Pusheen so much! It is such an adorable internet cat, right? It is known for her love of junk food, her slightly chubby physique, and her passion for lazing around doing very little. You know just typical cat’s traits =^● ⋏ ●^=❤

This pencil Valentine’s idea is for those (children and/or adults) who are not allowed or allergic to consume sweet or chocolate. This idea is also great for children in school who have a very strict no-treats policy.

I guess a pencil is nearly as good as a cupcake or chocolate. I hope through this tag the children are encouraged to work hard on their writing skills more! We may love lazy-ass adorable kitty but it does not mean we should do as much as little as this kitty does. We can still love this chubby and lazy kitty while doing some productive activity, writing for example 📝

Just like the meme says, “I work hard so my cat can have a better life” d(=^・ω・^=)b

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❀ Challenge ❀

✿ 2020 Movie Challenge ✿

A Movie a Week for 2020! 🎞️

To kick off the year 2020 and celebrate all of the awesome movies coming out, I thought it would be fun to do a 2020 Movie Challenge! I have never participated in this challenge before, but I do love watching movies (I mean who does not?). So, I think it will be interesting .+:。(ノ・ω・)ノ゙

There are ±50 prompts below, with one for each week. These prompts are made special for 2020 movies! You can do them in order or you can mix it up. It does not matter, just do watch what you like first (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

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❀ Challenge ❀

✿ 2020 Reading Challenge ✿

Let’s Read! 📚

Hello friends! How is it with your third week in 2020? I do hope everything went well ♡(ŐωŐ人)

Every year, I always joining a reading challenge to help diversify my reading. Even though I got busy and was not able to finish the challenge, I had a lot of fun with the prompts I was able to complete, so I decided to give it another shot this year with a new list.

This year, I decided to create my own Reading Challenge 2020. Most of the prompts I got from The Master List of 2020 Reading Challenges by GIRLXOXO and the rest were randomly picked from the other sources. It was difficult for me to follow others’ reading challenges. Some of their prompts are not available and/or hard to get in my region. Therefore, I made my version (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧

This Reading Challenge 2020 is available in English and Indonesian languages (A4 paper size). There also two versions of them. In the second version, you can add your book title. Download it for FREE below!📖

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