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✿ Gift Ideas for Student Teacher ✿

File Map & Key Ring Memo


File Map

There are a lot of forms they will need to bring to school. It will help them organize the papers and easy to go!

Key Ring Memo

It is just cute and recently popular among the students. As they observe the classroom, I believe they will need a small note which can be carried anywhere. They can also reuse the key ring after the paper is run out!

Best luck on your first Field Experience Program!

💛 Ms. Purba, Ms. Baewa, Ms. Zandroto, and Ms. Ninggeding 💛

My three roommates and my niece were having their First Experience Field Program as student-teachers for one week from February 10. I remember how anxious and excited I am at that time I have mine. There are so many things I have to prepare here and there. I have supported them with tips and tricks when they in school. However, I just think it does not enough yet. At the end of the day, they will also need material support. Thus, I give them this gift. I hope they will cherish it!


I do not have the picture of the other two. They were so busy at that time.
Good luck all of you! (๑ ˊ͈ ᐞ ˋ͈ )ƅ̋
With love
Have an awesome day!

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